Krušnica spring
Krušnica spring, a source of natural beauty and peace in the heart of the Bosnian Krajina. Located in an untouched natural environment, Vrelo Krušnice is a magical place that will delight all visitors with its crystal clear water, beautiful waterfalls and picturesque nature. The Krušnica hot spring can not only rival the Buna hot spring, but it is perhaps even more fascinating, regardless of the fact that there is no tekija or any other facility here that would complete the natural ambience. Perhaps the charm lies precisely in the fact that the human hand has minimally touched this place. The source of the river is 112 meters deep and is extremely rich in speleo-fauna and drinking water, as well as fish. Classic fishing is not allowed, but the so-called flyfishing.
Thanks to the karst relief, this river is supplied with water from the area of Bosanski Petrovac, which is an obvious example of bifurcation. Below the spring (200 m) there is a hydroelectric power station built in 1905. year. The stream itself rarely exceeds a depth of five meters, while in autumn and spring the Krušnica river necessarily overflows from its bed. The spring is an impressive sight of the power of water, and the river itself is calm and clean. The entire course of the river is a pond, and it is also interesting that the river Una with its two branches first flows into Krušnica, and then the rivers join in a wild rapid. The rivers form a complex of ada (river islands) located practically in the center of the town of Bosanska Krupa.
The latest speleo-diving expedition confirmed that it is a very rare, completely ecologically preserved spring with rich speleo-fauna and incredible amounts of drinking water. The spring of Krušnica is a natural phenomenon that takes your breath away. Both the sound of flowing water and the beautiful scenery around you provide a feeling of calmness and harmony with nature. This is an ideal place for relaxation, meditation and escape from everyday stress. Vrelo Krušnice also offers numerous opportunities for adventures and recreation. Discover the surrounding trails and hike upstream, enjoying the spectacular scenery and greenery.
If you are a photography lover, here you will find endless motifs to create beautiful pictures. Vrelo Krušnice also offers opportunities for hiking and exploring the surrounding hills and mountains. This is the perfect place for nature lovers and all those who seek adventure. Vrelo Krušnice is a place you must visit if you want to experience the incredible natural beauty of the Bosnian Krajina. Here you will find a calming escape from everyday life and the opportunity to connect with nature in the most intimate way.
Welcome to Vrelo Krušnice, a place that will enchant you with its clean water and beauty that will remain engraved in your memories forever.